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I'm finally back in the workshop creating more Luck Dragons for the next events I have scheduled.  The eyes are the hardest part but I think I've come up with a process which will help immensely with making them.  I'll be making them in short or long fur and in small and large sizes.  They're ready and in the shop!!  Pre-order and I'll make one just for you!

Large Luck Dragon Luck Dragon Face



In September 2024 Hurricane Helene made a huge impact in our area.  Due to the destruction she left behind we were forced to temporarily suspend creative activities in order to recover both physically and mentally. As of January 2025 we are beginning to reach a point where we can once again enjoy our craft and make plans for events.  We hope to see you there!


March 1-3       Southeast Punk Flea Market - Augusta, GA    @sepfm

March 15-16   World Oddities Expo - Richmond, VA   @worldodditiesexpo

March 22-23   Southeast Punk Flea Market - Savannah, GA  @sepfm

May 10-11      World Oddities Expo - Raleigh, NC  @worldodditiesexpo

Sept. 13           World Oddities Expo - Savannah, GA  @worldodditiesexpo