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During a conversation with my daughter today it was suggested that I start this rambling on my late night activities.  Being "older than dirt" brings with it a few limitations that I hate to admit but I'm going to have to: 

  1. What my sewing looks like at 3 am is NOT what it actually looks like the next day at 10 am.
  2. I can fall asleep with a threaded needle in my hand and when I wake up I'll still be holding it.
  3. My dogs will not finish my project while I sleep -- no matter how many times I ask them to.
  4. I cannot tell the difference between black and brown vinyl by lamplight.
  5. Auto correct is a demon.
  6. My dogs will not do the housekeeping while I work -- no matter how many times I ask them to.
  7. Owning a Pug is like having a 2 year old.  I'll start a "Life with Pugs" tag for those stories. You'll enjoy them.
  8. My dogs will not do the dishes while I work -- again no matter how many times I ask them to.
  9. Learning "Social Media" when you're over 65 can be a challenge.  I built this entire site and the storefront, have been active on Facebook for years, but I'm intimidated by Instagram for some reason.
  10. Living alone can be dangerous -- my pillow slid off the back of the recliner so I turned over and got on my knees and reached behind the recliner to get my pillow.  So - the recliner did it's thing and reclined.  Now my arm is pinned between the wall and the back of the recliner.  If I lean backwards it just squishes my arm tighter to the wall and I can't lean forward because I'm pinned to the wall.  It was about 2 hours later that I finally worked my arm loose and was able to get away.  I had bruises from that for weeks.  I'll start a "Living Alone" tag for those stories.
  11. It is possible to resemble that Progressive commercial about turning into your parents.
  12. My dogs will not mow the grass -- no matter how many times I ask them.

More to be added as I actually remember the important highlights ... 


In September 2024 Hurricane Helene made a huge impact in our area.  Due to the destruction she left behind we were forced to temporarily suspend creative activities in order to recover both physically and mentally. As of January 2025 we are beginning to reach a point where we can once again enjoy our craft and make plans for events.  We hope to see you there!


March 1-3       Southeast Punk Flea Market - Augusta, GA    @sepfm

March 15-16   World Oddities Expo - Richmond, VA   @worldodditiesexpo

March 22-23   Southeast Punk Flea Market - Savannah, GA  @sepfm

May 10-11      World Oddities Expo - Raleigh, NC  @worldodditiesexpo

Sept. 13           World Oddities Expo - Savannah, GA  @worldodditiesexpo