During a conversation with my daughter today it was suggested that I start this rambling on my late night activities. Being "older than dirt" brings with it a few limitations that I hate to admit but I'm going to have to:
- What my sewing looks like at 3 am is NOT what it actually looks like the next day at 10 am.
- I can fall asleep with a threaded needle in my hand and when I wake up I'll still be holding it.
- My dogs will not finish my project while I sleep -- no matter how many times I ask them to.
- I cannot tell the difference between black and brown vinyl by lamplight.
- Auto correct is a demon.
- My dogs will not do the housekeeping while I work -- no matter how many times I ask them to.
- Owning a Pug is like having a 2 year old. I'll start a "Life with Pugs" tag for those stories. You'll enjoy them.
- My dogs will not do the dishes while I work -- again no matter how many times I ask them to.
- Learning "Social Media" when you're over 65 can be a challenge. I built this entire site and the storefront, have been active on Facebook for years, but I'm intimidated by Instagram for some reason.
- Living alone can be dangerous -- my pillow slid off the back of the recliner so I turned over and got on my knees and reached behind the recliner to get my pillow. So - the recliner did it's thing and reclined. Now my arm is pinned between the wall and the back of the recliner. If I lean backwards it just squishes my arm tighter to the wall and I can't lean forward because I'm pinned to the wall. It was about 2 hours later that I finally worked my arm loose and was able to get away. I had bruises from that for weeks. I'll start a "Living Alone" tag for those stories.
- It is possible to resemble that Progressive commercial about turning into your parents.
- My dogs will not mow the grass -- no matter how many times I ask them.
More to be added as I actually remember the important highlights ...